
FoPL Reports

Botanical Report

Species Records

12 Feb 15

Priorslee Lake: 6:31am - 9:14am

Telford sunrise: 7:32am

3.0°C > 4.5°C Overcast and dull yet again. Very light S wind. Moderate / good visibility

A few minor changes but nothing to highlight

(9th visit of the year)

- what was almost certainly the Lesser Canada Goose ssp. was with one of the outbound Canada Geese parties: apart from its small size it was too dark to see any other ID features
- the two pairs of Gadwall ‘missing’ yesterday were located today
- 16 of the Jackdaws paused for a couple of minutes in the trees by the Teece Drive gate: noted passage was again often to the far W
- 6 of the 7 Song Thrushes logged were singing this morning: a Blackbird joined in singing for a while

Counts of birds flying over the lake (therefore in addition to those on / around lake)
- 2 Mute Swans
- 6 (3♂) Gadwall
- 5 (2♂) Mallard
- 2 (2♂) Pochard
- 27 (14♂) Tufted Duck
- 1 Grey Heron
- 11 Great Crested Grebes
- 11 Moorhens
- 125 Coots
- c.150 Black-headed Gulls
- 1 Herring Gull
Counts of birds leaving roosts around the lake
- 57 Magpies (incomplete count)
Redwing roost not visited: just 1 Redwing noted later

The counts from the water
- 2 Mute Swans
- 1 (1♂) Shelduck
- 2 (1♂) Gadwall
- 10 (5♂) Mallard
- 1 (1♂) Pochard
- 18 (9♂) Tufted Duck
- 1 Grey Heron
- 2 Cormorants
- 9 Great Crested Grebes
- 12 Moorhens
- 122 Coots
- 65 Black-headed Gulls
- 1 Herring Gull

(Ed Wilson)


Priorslee Flash: 9:18am - 10:02am

(8th visit of the year)

- the Greylag Geese flew in and were my first of the year here
- 3 drake and 1 duck Goosander: unusual to see more drakes than ducks?
- 2 Song Thrushes in song again

Birds counted flying over The Flash
- 28 Lesser Black-backed Gulls
- 2 Feral Pigeons

The counts from the water
- 2 Mute Swans (Yellow 52F; Blue 7HXE)
- 17 Greylag Geese
- 9 Canada Geese
- 1 all-white feral goose
- 40 (26♂) Mallard- [the feral duck not see today]
- 5 (3♂) Shoveler
- 6 (3♂) Pochard
- 45 (25♂) Tufted Ducks
- 4 (3♂) Goosanders
- 1 Grey Heron
- 1 Great Crested Grebe
- 9 Moorhens
- 17 Coots
- 66 Black-headed Gulls
- 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls
- 6 Herring Gulls

(Ed Wilson)


Trench Lock Pool:

Evening update:

Juvenile Glaucous Gull in the roost. Photo Here. (Kris Webb)

Morning Report: 10:10am -10:20am // 11:00am - 11:33am

(6th visit of the year)

- 3 of the Canada Geese flew through, probably to Middle Pool
- Sparrowhawk flew through: new for me at this site this year
- 8 Redwings flew off from trees around the Blue Pig pub: another site year-tick

The counts from the water
- 2 Mute Swans
- 15 Canada Goose
- 2 (1♂) Gadwall
- 6 (4♂) Mallard
- 3 feral Mallard-type ducks
- 3 (2♂) Shoveler
- 33 (9♂) Tufted Ducks
- 1 (0) Goosander
- 2 Great Crested Grebes
- 12 Moorhens
- 102 Coots
- 57 Black-headed Gulls
- 7 Lesser Black-backed Gulls
- 1 Herring Gull

(Ed Wilson)


Trench Middle Pool: 10:25am - 10:55am

(3rd visit of the year)

- 2 Goosanders: the drake was moulting out of ‘brownhead’ immature plumage
- after weeks on its own a 2nd Great Crested Grebe has turned up
- the Grey Wagtail was new here this year for me
- a Song Thrush singing was also new here this year

- 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls

The counts
- 2 Mute Swans
- 1 Greylag Goose
- 40 Canada Geese
- 33 (20♂) Mallard
- 6 feral Mallard-type ducks
- 17 (10♂) Tufted Ducks
- 2 (1♂) Goosander
- 2 Great Crested Grebes
- 11 Moorhen
- 16 Coots
- 148 Black-headed Gulls
- 2 Herring Gulls

(Ed Wilson)
On this day in 2009 and 2014
Priorslee Lake
Velvet Scoter
Adult Mediterranean Gull
(Observer Unknown)
- Two immature Iceland Gull
( Pete Jordan)