
FoPL Reports

Botanical Report

Species Records

20 Mar 20

Priorslee Lake and The Flash

Priorslee Lake:  05:25 – 08:40
The Flash:  08:45 – 09:25

4.0°C > 6.0°C:  Early cloud soon moved away SE. Clear for a while. Increasing cloud after 08:00. Chilly light / moderate NNE breeze. Very good visibility.

Sunrise: 06:11 GMT

Priorslee Lake:  05:25 – 08:40

(54th visit of the year)

Many bangs from bird-scarers in the fields to the E. I presume this means that the farmer is expecting to harvest the crop here and that there will no house-building on these fields before then.

Bird notes:
- A lone Canada Goose arrived. It was soon moved on by both Mute Swans.
- A Tufted Ducks flew off W at 05:50 when too dark to sex. Presumed the ‘other’ drake seen yesterday; only a pair remained later.
- While watching Chiffchaffs from the bridge across the Wesley Brook a Kingfisher shot down the line of the brook and landed on what I assume is a regular perch less, than 18 inches from me. Only then did it see me and shoot off back up the brook. I saw it, or another, later in reeds.
- A group of 14 Fieldfare with a single Redwing left trees at the W end at dawn. Another Redwing seen leaving the SW copse. Later three groups of Redwings overhead. All birds heading E – “goodbye and thanks for all the fish” from these migrants off, back to Northern Europe. Even later one Redwing was giving a rare (in this area) burst of song from trees alongside Teece Drive.
- Two single Starlings left roost(s) – did not see exact departure points. Later two overhead and then four on the football field. Suggests that the local breeding birds have returned to the estate.
- At least nine Chiffchaffs. Six seen in the same general area along the N side all flitting around and calling as well as singing.
- A party of 11 Siskins stopped briefly in trees near the Wesley Brook bridge.
- A trio of Reed Buntings flew out of a roost along the S side – I have seen no evidence of the roost at the W end for some while. Later two males seen chasing around a female along the N side.

Birds noted flying over / near here:
- 1 Greylag Goose (outbound)
- 6 Canada Geese (single and trio outbound; pair inbound)
- 1 Sparrowhawk
- 1 Common Buzzard
- 37 Wood Pigeons
- 30 Jackdaws
- 7 Rooks
- 2 Starlings
- 24 Redwings (3 groups)
- 2 Meadow Pipits
- 9 Goldfinches

Birds logged leaving roosts around the lake:
[most Magpies no longer in roost and not counted]
- 2 Starlings
- 14 Fieldfare
- 2 Redwings
- 3 Reed Buntings

Count of warblers logged (singing birds in brackets)
- 9 (9) Chiffchaffs

Counts from the lake area:
- 2 Mute Swans
- 1 Canada Goose
- 2 (1♂) Mallard
- 3 (2♂?) Tufted Ducks
- 2 Grey Herons
- 3 Little Grebes
- 6 Great Crested Grebes
- 10 Moorhens
- 39 Coots
- no gulls
- 1 Kingfisher

Also noted:
- Dog-violet sp. flower
- Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta) about to flower.

Cloud was rather late moving away to the SE and this was the best of the sunrise.

Sunrise through last year’s seed heads of Great Reedmace (Typha latifolia). Often called Bulrush though nothing like the ones that Moses was found in! The tits have been pulling the heads apart to get at the seeds and will probably use the fluffy down in their nests.

A rather distant view of one of three Little Grebes. Now in full breeding plumage with the chestnut head and yellow at the base of the bill.

Even more distant shot of the other two, looking as if they are paired.

A pair of Great Crested Grebes did a short display near their nest site in the NE area. One of these birds entered the reeds by diving underwater and disappearing. Not noticed that before.

Good light on this Moorhen. The streaks across the face and neck are reflections from the water.

Always happy to photograph a posing Blackbird. Surprisingly large feet.

Atop one of the large trees alongside Teece Drive was this Redwing. It sang briefly. It is not too often I hear the song in Shropshire – they usually wait until they are on territory in Northern Europe.

Chiffchaffs were abundant. Not always very cooperative for photos. Here is one.

And another.

And another – no dispute over leg or feet colour here: black!

The best of the bunch and another bird caught mid-chiff (or –chaff).

One of a group of 11 Siskins briefly atop this tree. A male – yellowier than the more streaky female. The black cap barely discernible from this angle.

One of the two male Reed Buntings that were flying around and around a female. She was hiding away from them (and the camera).

The Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) is now in full blossom.

Another view. The plant that produces sloes. On Blackthorn the flowers precede the leaves. On Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) it is the other way around – leaves first.

This is a species of Dog-violet though from this angle it is not possible to separate Early Dog-violet (Viola reichenbachiana) from Common Dog-violet (Viola riviniana). On date it is likely the former, though with the mild winter that might not hold true.

The white flowers of this Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta) are yet to open. Rather ‘crushed together’ as I was having to hold the stems to minimise the motion of the wind.

(Ed Wilson)


The Flash:  08:45 – 09:25

(53rd visit of the year)

Bird notes:
- The Lesser Black-backed Gulls overhead were the only gulls I noted all morning.
- A VERY distantly singing Song Thrush was my first here since 3rd March

Birds noted flying over / near The Flash:
- 1 Common Buzzard
- 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls

Count of warblers logged (singing birds in brackets)
- 5 (5) Chiffchaffs

Counts from the water:
- 3 Mute Swans
- 4 Greylag Geese: 2 of these arrived
- 24 Canada Geese: 2 of these arrived
- 31 (19♂) Mallard
- 53 (29♂) Tufted Duck
- 1 Cormorant still
- 2 Great Crested Grebes
- 9 Moorhen
- 19 Coots

(Ed Wilson)

On this day..........
Priorslee Lake
Today's Sightings Here

Priorslee Lake
Today's Sightings Here

Local Area
Today's Sightings Here

Priorslee Lake
4 Great Crested Grebes 
7 Wigeon 
2 Gadwall 
27 Tufted Ducks 
6 Redwings
138 Jackdaws
1 Chiffchaff
1 Redpoll
7+ Siskins
2 Reed Buntings
(Ed Wilson)

The Flash
2 Great Crested Grebe 
7 Mute Swans
1 Pochard 
56 Tufted Duck
(Ed Wilson)

Long Lane, Wellington
133 Lapwing
17 Golden Plover
1 Redshank
3 Dunlin
2 Oystercatcher
3 Teal
c.600 Black-headed Gulls
5 Lesser Black-backed Gulls
1 Herring Gull. 
(Martin Grant)

Priorslee Lake
17 Tufted Duck 
11 Golden Plover
17 Meadow Pipits
5 Chiffchaffs (4 in song)
(Ed Wilson)

Nedge Hill
40 Golden Plover
11 Lapwing
1 Red-legged Partridge
2 Green Woodpeckers
8 Meadow Pipits
1 Redpoll
(Ed Wilson)

The Flash 
32 Tufted Duck 
1 Curlew
2 Brambling
1 Reed Bunting
(Ed Wilson)

Priorslee Lake
1 Little Grebe 
5 Great Crested Grebe 
6 Gadwall 
39 Tufted Duck
146 Jackdaws on roost dispersal 
c.35 Greenfinches
c.15 Goldfinches
c.10 Linnets
(Ed Wilson)

The Flash
3 Great Crested Grebe 
36 Tufted Duck
(Ed Wilson)

Priorslee Lake
1 Yellow-legged Gull
435 Lesser Black-backed Gull
(Peter Wilson)

Priorslee lake
3 Great Crested Grebe
12 Cormorant
24 Tufted Duck
1 Ruddy Duck
1 Merlin
1 Buzzard
2 Kestrel
1 Great Black-backed Gull
188 Wood Pigeon
1 Green Woodpecker
26 Wren
5 Chiffchaff 
1 Willow Tit
55 Magpie
14 Greenfinch
5 Reed Bunting
(Ed Wilson, Martin Adlam)

The Flash
9 Great Crested Grebe
2 Pochard
26 Tufted Duck
1 Chiffchaff singing
(Ed Wilson)

Priorslee Lake
c.250 Black-headed Gulls
146 Lesser-black Backs
15 Herring Gull
2 Yellow-leg Gulls
2 Common Gulls
36 Tufted Duck
6 Great Crested Grebe
1 Cormorant
2 Water Rail
3 Siskins
2 Redpoll
3 Linnet
3 Reed Bunting
(Martin R Adlam)