
FoPL Reports

Botanical Report

Species Records

2017 : The Year at Priorslee Lake


Some personal thoughts about the birds I have seen this year and then all the species lists


I noted 102 species in 2017 [107 in 2016]. I have had reliable reports of Little Egret and Red Kite being seen, but I missed them

My personal total number of species was down on 2016 in part because I was away for some of May – the best month for recording scarcer migrants
- geese numbers moving out at dawn declined again: likely in part from the council controlling the Canada Geese nests in several local areas e.g. The Flash. Numbers, and the mess they made, were getting out of hand
- an unexpected visit by an Egyptian Goose was my first here. Probably from the small but well-established local free-flying population
- an usual (Greater) Scaup record from September. While annual here then December to February is the usual period to see this bird
- an unprecedented three Goldeneye records late in the year. This species is not annual
- Little Grebes were often seen and heard calling in Spring. I doubt they bred but it is hard to tell with such a secretive species. There were some good numbers in Autumn and later
- three pairs of Great Crested Grebes raised young with at least some of these apparently fledging. Other birds were present throughout the season but did not nest
- in the second winter period I heard Water Rail calling from four distinct areas, two of these where I have not previously heard birds. These two areas seemed to be used for a small while only with over-wintering birds back in their traditional two locations by November
- 2017 is perhaps the last year we will see Little Ringed Plovers display nearby if the planned house-building starts in time
- as usual the only other obvious wader was Common Sandpiper mainly in Spring but also a small Autumn passage. Lapwings are very scarce these days. Golden Plover come no closer that fields a long way to the east and can be seen in flight occasionally
- dire numbers of gulls in both periods. Even fewer in second winter. All because the Granville Tip was closed? Not a single Great Black-backed Gull logged this year. No Kittiwakes either though no Spring passage was recorded at other local sites. Two different Mediterranean Gulls rather bucked the trend as did three separate sightings of Common Gull – misnamed as far as this part of the UK is concerned
- a Tawny Owl was regularly reported to me as calling in evenings from the Ricoh copse opposite the estate. I heard it but twice around the lake on my morning visits
- Kingfisher always used to be a post-breeding bird, disappearing if the lake froze as birds moved to open water such as the River Severn. Last winter at least one bird stayed throughout and then bred locally – I frequently saw birds carrying food across Castle Farm Way and down the Wesley Brook towards Shifnal. At least one bird is still around in December 2017
- More records of Green Woodpecker this year with a bird roosting along the north side from time to time
- the usual large Wood Pigeon passage in autumn: about a week earlier than usual despite mild weather here. Perhaps birds from Scandinavia?
- Magpie numbers in the roost topped 80 birds late last winter. So far this winter numbers have never exceeded 30 birds. Whether this will change is hard to say – there is a big roost at The Flash as well
- the one-time regular large roost dispersal of Jackdaws and Rooks has changed a lot this year. Apart from two short periods Rook numbers have been very low or non-existent. The Jackdaw numbers have held up better, though there is often only one large party whereas 20 or 30 smaller groups was normal a few years ago
- managed to confirm a party of (Bohemian) Waxwings flying over in late last winter – my first here
- the Willow Tit sang and sang and sang all around the lake for the third year in succession without apparently finding a mate. Has so far managed to survive the pre-Christmas hard weather
- unexceptional breeding numbers of warblers with Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Garden Warbler and Reed Warbler all successful
- a Willow Warbler sang for a long time from several locations without any evidence of breeding: the trees are now rather too tall for this species both here and at The Flash
- a Sedge Warbler arrived between broods and was later seen feeding young – it does not breed annually here
- Lesser Whitethroat song was more prominent this year: whether this merely suggested it / they had not found partner(s) is hard to call. Once nesting begins this species becomes silent and difficult to observe
- Common Whitethroats seemed to be in lower numbers
- no significant Pied Wagtail roost dispersal in either winter period, At Autumn migration time sometimes as many 60 birds used the ‘football field’ to feed on, probably, small spiders. This is unprecedented. On occasions one or two Meadow Pipits joined them
- Bullfinches bred again with birds seen at three different locations. Many finch species are in serious decline with no confirmed nesting by Greenfinches and just two Chaffinch territories. Goldfinches seem to be doing well with up to 50 some days feeding on teasels post-breeding

species seen in 2017 but not in 2016
* = new for me at this site
*Egyptian Goose
(Common) Redshank
Mediterranean Gull
Tawny Owl
*(Bohemian) Waxwing

species seen in 2016 but not in 2017
[Black Swan (feral)]
Barnacle Goose
Great White Egret
Black Tern
Arctic Tern
Yellow-legged Gull
Iceland Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Cetti's Warbler
Wood Warbler
Grasshopper Warbler
Spotted Flycatcher
Pied Flycatcher
Yellow Wagtail

in species order
02/01/2017 Mute Swan
04/01/2017 Greylag Goose
10/01/2017 Canada Goose
01/12/2017 Egyptian Goose
08/03/2017 Shelduck
18/09/2017 Eurasian Wigeon
02/01/2017 Gadwall
05/01/2017 Teal
02/01/2017 Mallard
17/03/2017 Shoveler
02/01/2017 Pochard
02/01/2017 Tufted Duck
10/01/2017 (Greater) Scaup
22/11/2017 (Common) Goldeneye
02/01/2017 Goosander
10/03/2017 Pheasant
02/01/2017 Cormorant
28/11/2017 Bittern
02/01/2017 Grey Heron
02/01/2017 Little Grebe
02/01/2017 Great Crested Grebe
07/03/2017 Sparrowhawk
03/01/2017 Common Buzzard
11/05/2017 (Common) Kestrel
03/08/2017 Hobby
11/01/2017 Peregrine
03/01/2017 Water Rail
02/01/2017 Moorhen
02/01/2017 Coot
12/03/2017 Oystercatcher
05/01/2017 Golden Plover
04/04/2017 Lapwing
25/03/2017 Little Ringed Plover
13/04/2017 Common Sandpiper
04/08/2017 (Common) Redshank
02/12/2017 Woodcock
07/01/2017 Snipe
18/06/2017 Common Tern
02/01/2017 Black-headed Gull
02/08/2017 Mediterranean Gull
02/01/2017 Common Gull
02/01/2017 Lesser Black-backed Gull
02/01/2017 Herring Gull
07/01/2017 Feral Pigeon
05/01/2017 Stock Dove
02/01/2017 Wood Pigeon
02/03/2017 Collared Dove
30/08/2017 Tawny Owl
09/05/2017 Swift
03/01/2017 Kingfisher
02/01/2017 Green Woodpecker
03/01/2017 Great Spotted Woodpecker
02/01/2017 Magpie
02/01/2017 Jay
02/01/2017 Jackdaw
03/01/2017 Rook
02/01/2017 Carrion Crow
28/02/2017 Raven
02/01/2017 Goldcrest
02/01/2017 Blue Tit
02/01/2017 Great Tit
05/01/2017 Coal Tit
02/01/2017 Willow Tit
27/02/2017 Sky Lark
12/03/2017 Sand Martin
01/04/2017 Barn Swallow
01/04/2017 House Martin
02/01/2017 Long-tailed Tit
03/03/2017 Chiffchaff
29/03/2017 Willow Warbler
27/03/2017 Blackcap
09/05/2017 Garden Warbler
09/05/2017 Lesser Whitethroat
09/05/2017 Common Whitethroat
09/05/2017 Sedge Warbler
19/04/2017 Reed Warbler
03/03/2017 (Bohemian) Waxwing
18/01/2017 Nuthatch
03/01/2017 Tree Creeper
02/01/2017 Wren
28/02/2017 Starling
02/01/2017 Blackbird
07/01/2017 Fieldfare
02/01/2017 Song Thrush
02/01/2017 Redwing
07/01/2017 Mistle Thrush
02/01/2017 Robin
02/01/2017 Dunnock
28/05/2017 House Sparrow
06/01/2017 Grey Wagtail
02/01/2017 Pied Wagtail
04/03/2017 Meadow Pipit
02/01/2017 Chaffinch
16/03/2017 Brambling
02/01/2017 Greenfinch
02/01/2017 Goldfinch
02/01/2017 Siskin
03/01/2017 Linnet
11/03/2017 Lesser Redpoll
02/01/2017 Bullfinch
23/03/2017 Yellowhammer
04/01/2017 Reed Bunting

in sighting order
02/01/2017 1 Wood Pigeon
02/01/2017 2 Blue Tit
02/01/2017 3 Blackbird
02/01/2017 4 Goldfinch
02/01/2017 5 Robin
02/01/2017 6 Magpie
02/01/2017 7 Lesser Black-backed Gull
02/01/2017 8 Herring Gull
02/01/2017 9 Great Tit
02/01/2017 10 Jay
02/01/2017 11 Bullfinch
02/01/2017 12 Goosander
02/01/2017 13 Goldcrest
02/01/2017 14 Cormorant
02/01/2017 15 Coot
02/01/2017 16 Black-headed Gull
02/01/2017 17 Tufted Duck
02/01/2017 18 Common Gull
02/01/2017 19 Pochard
02/01/2017 20 Wren
02/01/2017 21 Dunnock
02/01/2017 22 Long-tailed Tit
02/01/2017 23 Mallard
02/01/2017 24 Great Crested Grebe
02/01/2017 25 Carrion Crow
02/01/2017 26 Mute Swan
02/01/2017 27 Siskin
02/01/2017 28 Song Thrush
02/01/2017 29 Grey Heron
02/01/2017 30 Little Grebe
02/01/2017 31 Jackdaw
02/01/2017 32 Moorhen
02/01/2017 33 Green Woodpecker
02/01/2017 34 Chaffinch
02/01/2017 35 Gadwall
02/01/2017 36 Willow Tit
02/01/2017 37 Greenfinch
02/01/2017 38 Pied Wagtail
02/01/2017 39 Redwing
03/01/2017 40 Water Rail
03/01/2017 41 Rook
03/01/2017 42 Linnet
03/01/2017 43 Kingfisher
03/01/2017 44 Great Spotted Woodpecker
03/01/2017 45 Tree Creeper
03/01/2017 46 Common Buzzard
04/01/2017 47 Greylag Goose
04/01/2017 48 Reed Bunting
05/01/2017 49 Stock Dove
05/01/2017 50 Golden Plover
05/01/2017 51 Teal
05/01/2017 52 Coal Tit
06/01/2017 53 Grey Wagtail
07/01/2017 54 Snipe
07/01/2017 55 Feral Pigeon
07/01/2017 56 Fieldfare
07/01/2017 57 Mistle Thrush
10/01/2017 58 Canada Goose
10/01/2017 59 (Greater) Scaup
11/01/2017 60 Peregrine
18/01/2017 61 Nuthatch
27/02/2017 62 Sky Lark
28/02/2017 63 Raven
28/02/2017 64 Starling
02/03/2017 65 Collared Dove
03/03/2017 66 Chiffchaff
04/03/2017 67 Meadow Pipit
07/03/2017 68 Sparrowhawk
08/03/2017 69 Shelduck
10/03/2017 70 Pheasant
11/03/2017 71 Lesser Redpoll
12/03/2017 72 Oystercatcher
12/03/2017 73 Sand Martin
16/03/2017 74 Brambling
17/03/2017 75 Shoveler
23/03/2017 76 Yellowhammer
25/03/2017 77 Little Ringed Plover
27/03/2017 78 Blackcap
29/03/2017 79 Willow Warbler
01/04/2017 80 Barn Swallow
01/04/2017 81 House Martin
04/04/2017 82 Lapwing
13/04/2017 83 Common Sandpiper
19/04/2017 84 Reed Warbler
03/03/2017 85 (Bohemian) Waxwing
09/05/2017 86 Garden Warbler
09/05/2017 87 Common Whitethroat
09/05/2017 88 Sedge Warbler
09/05/2017 89 Swift
09/05/2017 90 Lesser Whitethroat
11/05/2017 91 (Common) Kestrel
28/05/2017 92 House Sparrow
18/06/2017 93 Common Tern
02/08/2017 94 Mediterranean Gull
03/08/2017 95 Hobby
04/08/2017 96 (Common) Redshank
30/08/2017 97 Tawny Owl
18/09/2017 98 Eurasian Wigeon
22/11/2017 99 (Common) Goldeneye
28/11/2017 100 Bittern
01/12/2017 101 Egyptian Goose
02/12/2017 102 Woodcock

Not a good year. Rabbit seems to be no more and I made fewer visits to Woodhouse area so dipped on Hare. The presumed Noctule Bats were seen at the end of May and not again until October
02/01/2017 Mole hills
03/03/2017 Grey Squirrel
10/03/2017 Bat sp-1 Pipistrelle-type
31/05/2017 Bat sp-2 Noctule-type
01/06/2017 Fox
31/08/2017 Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

I logged nothing in this group this year. Anecdotally there were many small toads on at least one day in early Summer

48 species of moth recorded in 2017 was more than I expected with the change to the LED street lighting along the west end Public Footpath. It does seem fewer species are attracted to these very bright lights: however those species that are so attracted have been in good numbers. Moth (well all insects actually) numbers are in serious decline everywhere
The species number is the Bradley and Fletcher number – I still have to convert to the latest and revised 2013 list
[for micro moths there are no standardised names so I have included the (scientific name)]
* = new for me at this site in 2017
30/05/2017 17 Common Swift
18/06/2017 148 Yellow-barred Longhorn (Nemophora degeerella)
13/06/2017 385 Common Nettle-tap (Anthophila fabriciana)
02/04/2017 663 March Tubic (Diurnea fagella)
20/06/2017 873 *Dingy Dowd (Blastobasis adustella)
27/05/2017 989 Timothy Tortrix (Aphelia paleana)
03/08/2017 998 Light Brown Apple Moth (Epiphyas postvittana)
09/10/2017 1042 Rhomboid Tortrix (Acleris rhombana)
02/02/2017 1053 *Sallow Button (Acleris hastiana)
01/06/2017 1076 Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
24/07/2017 1304 Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella)
29/08/2017 1305 Common Grass-veneer (Agriphila tristella)
02/08/2017 1388 Pale Straw Pearl (Udea lutealis)
05/12/2017 1631 December Moth
03/03/2017 1663 March Moth
19/06/2017 1669 Common Emerald
28/05/2017 1682 Blood-vein
19/06/2017 1722 Flame Carpet
27/05/2017 1727 Silver-ground Carpet
24/07/2017 1732 Shaded Broad-bar
02/04/2017 1746 Shoulder-stripe
01/06/2017 1764 Common Marbled Carpet
01/06/2017 1778 May Highflier
13/10/2017 1790 November Moth agg. [Autumnal, November, Pale November Moths]
16/11/2017 1799 Winter Moth
10/01/2017 1800 Northern Winter Moth
03/06/2017 1819 Mottled Pug
01/04/2017 1852 Brindled Pug
03/06/2017 1906 Brimstone Moth
29/09/2017 1913 Canary-shouldered Thorn
15/04/2017 1927 Brindled Beauty
26/11/2017 1933 Scarce Umber
16/03/2017 1934 Dotted Border
02/01/2017 1935 Mottled Umber
20/09/2017 1947 Engrailed
08/01/2017 1960 Early Moth
04/06/2017 1961 Light Emerald
31/05/2017 2060 White Ermine
01/06/2017 2061 Buff Ermine
01/06/2017 2069 Cinnabar
29/08/2017 2133 *Six-stripe Rustic
19/03/2017 2187 Common Quaker
03/04/2017 2190 Hebrew Character
02/10/2017 2270 *Lunar Underwing
03/10/2017 2272 Barred Sallow
09/10/2017 2273 Pink-barred Sallow
18/06/2017 2474 Straw Dot

Just 7 species logged this year, probably more a reflection of my absences during the Summer than any real change
The species number is again the Bradley and Fletcher number
04/06/2017 1531 Large Skipper
16/04/2017 1553 Orange-tip
25/07/2017 1598 Comma
08/04/2017 1614 Speckled Wood
25/07/2017 1625 Gatekeeper
04/08/2017 1626 Meadow Brown
18/06/2017 1629 Ringlet

As last year seven species recorded: two different this year. In systematic order
* = new for me at this site in 2017
10/05/2017 *Large Red Damselfly
28/05/2017 Azure Damselfly
28/05/2017 Blue-tailed Damselfly
28/05/2017 Common Blue Damselfly
25/07/2017 Brown Hawker
24/09/2017 Common Darter
15/10/2017 Migrant Hawker

About my 3rd year of serious logging of this group. 13 species recorded. Had I been around more during the summer this number would have been higher. Most ‘new’ species were in late May
I do not have a systematic order to hand and these are presented in alphabetic order of scientific name. (Some vernacular names are included for the more common species)
* = new for me at this site in 2017
18/06/2017 *Anasimyia lineata
11/05/2017 *Daysyrphus albostriatus
03/06/2017 Episyrphus balteatus (Marmalade hoverfly)
04/06/2017 Eristalis pertinax (Tapered Drone-fly)
25/07/2017 Eristalis tenax (Common Drone-fly)
11/05/2017 Helophilus pendulus (The Footballer)
11/05/2017 Leucozona lucorum
15/04/2017 Melanostoma scalare (Chequered Hoverfly)
11/05/2017 *Merodon equestris
11/05/2017 Syrphus ribesii
03/06/2017 Volucella bombylans
03/06/2017 Volucella pellucens (Pellucid Fly)
11/05/2017 *Xylota segnis

These are presented ‘as recorded’ and many are only provisionally identified. Many of the groups are difficult to identify anyway however I am learning all the while. Presented in date order of my first 2017 sighting. Many new were species recorded and these are not specifically identified in this list. For the purpose of this section Spiders etc are insects!
04/01/2017 Pirate Spider (Ero cambridgei)
07/01/2017 Black Lace-weaver (Amaurobius ferox) [Spider]
16/01/2017 Nursery Web Spider (Pisaura mirabilis)
10/03/2017 Common stretch-spider (Tetragnatha extensa)
13/03/2017 Bombus hypnorum (Tree Bumblebee)
13/03/2017 Brown Lacewing sp. (perhaps Hemerobius humulinus)
21/03/2017 Buff-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)
03/04/2017 Bee-fly (Bombilius major)
07/04/2017 Tachypodoiulus niger (White-legged Snake Millipede or Black Millipede)
10/05/2017 Scorpion Fly (Panorpa communis)
11/05/2017 Byturus tormentosus or B. ochraceous
11/05/2017 Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum)
11/05/2017 Earwig sp. (likely Forficula auricularia)
11/05/2017 Eudasyphora cyanella? (fly sp.)
11/05/2017 German Wasp (Vespula germanica)
11/05/2017 Lucilia sp. (Greenbottle)
13/05/2017 Snipe fly sp. (Rhagio scolopaceus?)
27/05/2017 Black Snipe fly (Chrysopilus cristatus)
27/05/2017 Rhagonycha fulva (Hogweed Bonking-beetle)
28/05/2017 Mystacides longicornis (caddis fly sp.)
01/06/2017 Alder fly (possibly Sialis lutaria)
01/06/2017 Red-and-Black Froghopper (Cercopis vulnerata)
03/06/2017 Common Green Capsid (bug) (Lygocoris pabulinus)
03/06/2017 Garden Bumblebee (Bombus hortorum)
03/06/2017 Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis)
12/06/2017 Spotted Cranefly (Nephrotoma appendiculata)
13/06/2017 Empis livida (stilt fly sp.)
18/06/2017 7-spot Ladybird (Coccinella 7-punctata)
18/06/2017 Misumena vatia (crab spider sp.)
18/06/2017 Oedemera nobilis (beetle sp.)
18/06/2017 Semaphore fly (Poecilobothrus nobilitatus)
19/06/2017 Chrysopa perla (lacewing sp.)
25/07/2017 24 Spot Ladybird (Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata)
25/07/2017 Arienalla sp. possibly A. cucurbitina (Cucumber Green Orb Spider)
26/07/2017 Tetragnatha montana (spider sp.)
28/07/2017 Empis nigritarsis (dagger fly sp.)
29/07/2017 Leiobunum rotundum (harvestman)
30/07/2017 Oecetis ochracea (caddis)
04/08/2017 Megachile willughbiella (Leaf-cutter Bee)
05/08/2017 Limnephilus lunatus (caddis sp.)
18/09/2017 Garden Spider (Arameus diadematus)
27/09/2017 Spangle Gall Wasp (Neuroterus quercusbaccarum)
02/10/2017 Mitopus morio (harvestman sp.)
03/10/2017 Dicranopalpus ramosus (harvestman sp.)
23/10/2017 Common Wasp (Vespula (Paravespula) vulgaris)
15/11/2017 Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria)
16/11/2017 Mitostoma bimaculatum (harvestman sp.)
17/11/2017 Stenophylax permistus (caddis sp.)
20/11/2017 Tipula luteipennis (crane fly sp.)
23/11/2017 Paroligolophus agrestis (harvestman sp.)
03/12/2017 Trichocera regelationis ('winter gnat' sp.)
20/12/2017 Common Damsel Bug (Nabis rugosus)
22/12/2017 Oligolophus tridens (harvestman sp.)

Another group I am slowly trying to learn. Again presented in date order of my first record of the flower and represent best-effort at identification
date?/2017 Tufted Vetch (Vicia cracca)
01/01/2017 Alder sp. catkins
01/01/2017 Hazel sp. catkins
08/01/2017 Snowberry (Symphoricarpos sp. probably S. albus)
27/02/2017 Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)
27/02/2017 Daffodil (cultivar / escape)
28/02/2017 'pussy willow' (catkins of Salix sp. likely Salix caprea (Goat Willow))
09/03/2017 Lesser Celandine (Ficaria verna [was Ranunculus ficaria])
17/03/2017 Daisy (Bellis perennis)
17/03/2017 Dandelion sp. (probably Taraxacum officinale)
17/03/2017 Slender Speedwell (Veronica filiformis)
19/03/2017 Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)
19/03/2017 Dog's Mercury (Mercurialis perennis)
27/03/2017 Wild Cherry (Prunus avium) - flowers
27/03/2017 Primrose (Primula vulgaris)
28/03/2017 Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta)
28/03/2017 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata)
29/03/2017 Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa)
04/04/2017 Cowslip (Primula veris)
05/04/2017 Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris)
05/04/2017 Sun Spurge (Euphorbia helioscopia)
05/04/2017 Yellow Archangel (Lamium galeobdolon)
06/04/2017 Hedge Garlic or Jack-by-the-Hedge (Alliaria petiolata)
10/04/2017 Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) flower
10/04/2017 Lady's Smock / Cuckooplant / Milkmaid (Cardamine pratensis)
15/04/2017 Red Campion (Silene dioica or Melandrium rubrum)
15/04/2017 Bird Cherry (Prunus padus)
16/04/2017 Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris)
16/04/2017 Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum)
16/04/2017 Marsh Marigold (aka Kingcups) (Caltha palustris)
17/04/2017 Ribwort (Plantago lanceolata)
19/04/2017 Meadow Buttercup (Ranunculus acris)
19/04/2017 Ramsons (Allium ursinum)
09/05/2017 Broom (Genista sp.)
09/05/2017 Rapeseed (Brassica napus) [rape; oilseed rape]
09/05/2017 Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
09/05/2017 Red Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
10/05/2017 Horsetail (or Mare's tails) (Equisetum arvense)
10/05/2017 White Stonecrop (Sedum album)
11/05/2017 Black Meddick (Medicago lupulina)
11/05/2017 Wood Avens (Geum urbanum)
12/05/2017 Borage (Borago officinalis)
12/05/2017 Broad-leaved Willow-herb (Epilobium montanum)
12/05/2017 Shiny Crane's-bill [aka Shining cranesbill] (Geranium lucidum)
27/05/2017 Broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius)
27/05/2017 Cleavers (Galium aparine)
27/05/2017 Common Bird's-foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)
27/05/2017 Common Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium)
27/05/2017 Common or Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)
27/05/2017 Dog Rose (Rosa canina agg.)
27/05/2017 Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus) [aka dogberry; water elder; snowball tree]
27/05/2017 Hawkweed (Hieraceum brittanicum)
27/05/2017 Meadow Vetchling (Lathyrus pratensis)
27/05/2017 Ox-eye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)
27/05/2017 White Clover (Trifolium repens)
27/05/2017 Yellow Flag (Iris pseudacorus)
28/05/2017 Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus agg.)
28/05/2017 Blue Flag Iris (Iris versicolor) / Blue Iris (Iris sp.)
28/05/2017 Common Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
28/05/2017 Dogwood (Cornus sanguinea)
28/05/2017 Early Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza incarnata)
28/05/2017 Elder (Sambucus nigra)
28/05/2017 Goat's-beard or Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon (Tragopogon pratensis minor)
28/05/2017 Hedge Woundwort (Stachys sylvatica)
28/05/2017 Smooth Sow-thistle or Milk Thistle (Sonchus oleraceus)
28/05/2017 Spear Thistle (Cirsium vulgare)
28/05/2017 White Campion (Silene latifolia formerly Melandrium album)
28/05/2017 White Dead-Nettle (Lamium album)
28/05/2017 Woody Nightshade or Bittersweet (Solanum dulcamara)
30/05/2017 Common Forget-me-not (Myosotis arvensis)
30/05/2017 Common Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris)
31/05/2017 Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
01/06/2017 Common Spotted Orchid (Orchis (Dactylorhiza) fuchsii)
01/06/2017 Marsh Orchid (Orchis strictifolia)
04/06/2017 Water Forget-me-not (Myositis palustris)
09/06/2017 Bistort (now Polygonum bistorta was Persicaria bistorta)
09/06/2017 Scented Mayweed (Matricaria chamomilla)
13/06/2017 Convolvulus sp. probably Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)
18/06/2017 Meadowsweet / Mead Wort (Filipendula ulmaria)
24/07/2017 Buddleia sp.
24/07/2017 Common (or Black; or Lesser) Knapweed (Centaurea nigra)
24/07/2017 Common Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris formerly Senecio jacobaea)
24/07/2017 Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens)
24/07/2017 Greater Willow-herb (Epilobium hirsutum)
24/07/2017 Knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare)
24/07/2017 Rosebay Willow-herb or Fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium)
24/07/2017 Water Mint (Mentha aquatica)
24/07/2017 Wild Angelica (Angelica sylvestris)
27/07/2017 Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
28/07/2017 Greater (or Large) Bird's-foot-trefoil (Lotus pedunculatus)
30/08/2017 Common (or Perforate) St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
30/08/2017 Gypsywort (Lycopus europaeus)
18/09/2017 Alder Buckthorn (Frangula alnus)
20/09/2017 Ploughman's-spikenard (Inula conyzae)
20/09/2017 Dwarf Thistle (Cirsium acaule)
21/09/2017 Perennial Sow-thistle (Sonchus arvensis)
22/09/2017 Creeping Thistle (Cirsium arvense)
22/09/2017 Red Deadnettle (Lamium purpureum)
23/09/2017 Ice Plant (Hylotelephium spectabile)
23/09/2017 Montbretia (Crocosmia sp.)
27/09/2017 Spindle-tree (Euonymus europaea)
15/10/2017 Black Horehound (Ballota nigra)
15/10/2017 Hemp-agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum)
15/10/2017 Oxford Ragwort (Senecio squalidus)
15/10/2017 Red Stem Dogwood (Cornus stolonifera) / Red-osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea)
15/10/2017 Scentless Mayweed (Tripleurospermum inodorum)
15/10/2017 Shaggy Soldier (Galinsoga quadriradiata)
15/10/2017 Wall Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster horizontalis)
28/11/2017 Black Bryony (Tamus communis)

Another difficult group with several unidentified species noted. I have found a helpful web site which offers to ID picture so perhaps next year ... this mild Autumn was good for this important group. The following were provisionally identified
04/04/2017 <no vernacular name> (Psathyrella gracilis?)
05/08/2017 Sulphur Tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare)?
22/09/2017 Fairy Ring Champignon (Marasmius oreades)
04/10/2017 Brown Rollrim (Paxillus involutus)
10/10/2017 Field Mushroom (Agaricus campestris)
15/10/2017 Honey Fungus (Armillaria mellea)
20/10/2017 Field Blewit (Lepista saeva)
21/10/2017 Hare's-foot Inkcap (Coprinus lagopus)
15/11/2017 Common Bonnet (Mycena galericulata)

(Ed Wilson)

27 December 2017