No sign of the Ring-necked Duck at midday or early evening at the Lake or the Flash.
3 pairs of Gadwall
6 pairs Great Crested Grebes
c20 Tufted Duck
(Mike Cooper)
Priorslee Flash:
c40 Tufted Duck
70+ Magpies roosting on the island
(Mike Cooper)
Priorslee Lake
Willow Warbler
(Ed Wilson)
Ruddy Duck
(Ed Wilson)
2 Ruddy Ducks
(Ed Wilson)
c40 Tufted Duck
70+ Magpies roosting on the island
(Mike Cooper)
On this day in 2006, 2007 and 2010
Priorslee Lake
Willow Warbler
(Ed Wilson)
2007Ruddy Duck
(Ed Wilson)
20062 Ruddy Ducks
(Ed Wilson)