Sunrise: 04:44 BST
14°C Overcast, initially clearer to E, but then lowering with light rain later. Light NW / W wind. Moderate visibility
(61st visit of the year)
- one Great Crested Grebes returned: no activity around the nest site
- Nuthatch calling in both NW and E areas (and then later alongside the footpath to the lake)
Birds noted flying over
Hirundines etc. seen here (or at the lake) today
Warblers seen / heard around the water: numbers in brackets are singing birds
- 1 (1) Chiffchaff
- 3 (3) Blackcaps
The counts from the water
- 2 + 6 Mute Swans
- 13 Greylag Geese
- 124 Canada Geese
- 1 all white feral-goose
- 13 (11♂) Mallard
- 2 (1♂) Tufted Duck remain
- 1 Great Crested Grebe
- 1 Moorhen
- 20 Coots
(Ed Wilson)
Priorslee Lake: 07:25 – 09:25
(96th visit of the year)
Best today was the Common Tern that spent less than a minute at (the other end) of the lake
- still unable to positively the confirm the presence of a brood of Great Crested Grebes
- the remains of the presumed same 1st year Black-headed Gull was disappointing
- a Cormorant present early seemed to have left; one then seen landing may have been the same bird repositioning
- a Lesser Whitethroat singing and even seen on its song perch in the Ricoh hedge. From this I deduce that the first brood has flown and that he is courting the female to start a 2nd brood
- juvenile Goldfinches seen as part of noisy groups this morning
- possible Siskin heard over with very noisy juvenile Goldfinches, and therefore unconfirmed. Would be an usual date
- at least 2 Silver-ground Carpet moths
- the usual Blue-tailed Damselflies in small numbers in the damp, overcast and cool weather
- an Azure Damselfly was the only larger damselfly seen
Counts of birds flying over the lake (in addition to those on / around lake)
- 5 Greylag Geese
- 6 Feral Pigeons (2 groups)
- 5 Wood Pigeons
- 11 Jackdaws
- 32 Rooks
- 3 Greenfinches
Hirundines etc. seen here today
Warblers seen / heard around the lake: numbers in brackets are singing birds
- 8 (6) Chiffchaffs
- 8 (6) Blackcaps
- 2 (2) Garden Warbler again
- 1 (1) Lesser Whitethroat
- 2 (1) Common Whitethroats again
- 5 (5) Reed Warblers
The counts from the lake area
- 2 + 2 Mute Swans
- 5 (4♂) + 2 duckling Mallard
- 8 (5♂) Tufted Duck
- 1 or 2 Cormorants
- 6 + ? Great Crested Grebes
- 1 Moorhen again
- 36 + 2 juveniles (2 broods) Coots
- 1 Common Tern
- 1 dead Black-headed Gull
This drake Tufted Duck is showing signs of losing its white flanks: within a month or so I will be struggling to sex these birds.
The sad end to the possibly unwell Black-headed Gull that was present at the end of last week.
Now does that fluffed up back hide some juvenile Great Crested Grebes? Time will no doubt tell.
Another view.
And another.
They are LOUD!!
And here we see the tongue as well
A guard of honour for a dead dragonfly?
A red-eyed and red-thighed fly sp.
Something likes this wet weather and also seems impervious to the hairs of nettles: a slug sp.
(Ed Wilson)
On this day in ...........
2013Priorslee Flash
1 Greylag x Canada Goose
(Ed Wilson)