21 Nov 24

The Flash and Priorslee Balancing Lake

-1.0°C > +1.0°C: Mostly sunny. Lying snow. Ice on both pools. Light south-westerly wind. Very good visibility.

[Sunrise: 07:44 GMT]

Another later start with The Flash first.

* = a species photographed today.

Priorslee Balancing Lake: 10:35 – 11:05

(253rd visit of the year)

c.10% thin ice

Bird notes:
- now both a duck and a drake Gadwall
- also both a duck and a drake Pochard.
- yesterday's drake Goldeneye was not located.
- an increase in Coot numbers. Perhaps birds off frozen-over smaller pools.
- having been unusually absent so far a Pied Wagtail has taken up semi-residence in the Castle Farm Way lay-by stealing crumbs and scraps from the Classic Catering van.

Bird(s) noted flying over here:
- I did not count them but there was a steady stream of mainly Lesser Black-backed Gulls passing high South.

Counts from the lake area:
- 31 Canada Geese
- 1 Greylag Goose
- 21 + 2 Mute Swans
- 2 (1♂) Gadwall
- 4 (3♂) Mallard
- 2 (1♂) Pochard
- 53 (31♂) Tufted Duck
- 1 Moorhen
- 264 Coots
- 2 Great Crested Grebes
Gull counts taken at one point in time. Large gulls were coming and going all the while
- 36 Black-headed Gulls
- 29 Herring Gulls
- 85 Lesser Black-backed Gulls

Of note:
Nothing else 

(Ed Wilson)


The Flash: 09:30 – 10:25

(256th visit of the year)

>25% thin ice.

Bird notes:
- some of my confusion about the sex of some of the Shoveler was only partly resolved when I noted that there are two groups, one by the island and one at the top end. That said there are still two immature birds that I am not sure about.
- the duck Gadwall found again. I suspect it has been here all the time.

Bird(s) noted flying over here:

Noted on / around the water:
- 10 Canada Geese
- 11 Greylag Geese
- 6 + 2 (1 brood) Mute Swans
- 11 (>5♂) Shoveler
- 1 (0♂) Gadwall
- 46 (27♂) Mallard
- 47 (26♂) Tufted Duck
- 14 Moorhens
- 114 Coots
- 51 Black-headed Gulls
- 1 Herring Gull: adult

Also noted around The Flash:

Spiders, harvestmen etc.:
- 1 harvestman Dicranopalpus ramosus/caudatus

Mallard were appreciating the provided grain.

Two drake and one duck Shoveler in line astern.

This is one of the Shoveler I am not 100% sure about. I think the pale behind the bill and a vaguely green tone to the head suggest it is a drake still to moult in to adult breeding plumage. Perhaps a first winter bird.

A harvestman Dicranopalpus ramosus/caudatus braving the cold and resting on the sunny side of a street lamp pole. Note the shadow: it seems to have raised three legs in to the air. Most odd

(Ed Wilson)


Priorslee Lake
5 Gadwall
1 Pochard
125 Tufted Duck
3 Water Rails
15 Moorhens
221 Coots counted again
1 Snipe
23 Fieldfare
8 Redwings
196 Jackdaws
4 Rooks
2 Ravens
(Ed Wilson)

Priorslee Lake
3 Gadwall
8 Pochard
27 Tufted Ducks
9 Moorhens
142 Coots
(Ed Wilson)

Priorslee Lake
2 Yellow-legged Gulls
1st winter Great Black-backed Gull
3 female Goosander
3 Wigeon
(John Isherwood)

Priorslee Lake
7 Great Crested Grebes
2 Cormorants
30 Greylag Gees
16 Pochard
166 Tufted Duck
3 Goosander
Water Rail
148 Coot
c.700 Black-headed
c.1300 Lesser Black-backed
<20 Herring Gulls
93 Redwings
c.500 Starlings left a roost
(Ed Wilson)

Priorslee Lake
3 Great Crested Grebes
33 Pochard
69 Tufted Ducks
6 Buzzards
>1750 Black-headed Gulls
2251 Lesser Black-backed Gulls
26 Robins
32 Blackbirds
96 Fieldfares
4 Song Thrushes
13 Redwings
384 Jackdaws
216 Rooks
22 Greenfinch
2 Siskins
2 Reed Buntings
(Ed Wilson)