1 Sep 24

Priorslee Balancing Lake and The Flash

14.0°C > 17.0°C: Low overcast; early light drizzle; threatened to break c.08:45: didn't. Light easterly breeze. Moderate visibility.

Sunrise: 06:21 BST

* = a species photographed today
! = a new species for me here this year
!! = a new species for me in Shropshire

Priorslee Balancing Lake: 05:05 – 06:50 // 07:55 – 09:15

(189th visit of the year)

Bird Notes

New Bird Species
Highlights today on an otherwise very quiet morning was a drake (Eurasian) Wigeon, a species that unusually I did not record here in the first part of the year. It takes my 2024 bird list here to #99.

Other bird notes:
- a Common Sandpiper was flying around calling in the dark at 05:25. I did not see it later. Apart from an unusual record of a possible over-wintering bird on 18 October last year this is my latest record for a bird on Autumn passage.
- I noted but a single Black-headed Gull. Where are they all?
- two Grey Herons were sparring c.05:45 with one presumed chased away. It, or another, was being chased away c.08:20.

Counts of birds noted flying over:
- no geese
- 11 Wood Pigeons only
- 22 Lesser Black-backed Gulls
- 70 Jackdaws
- 93 Rooks

Hirundines etc. noted:
- 2 House Martins

Warblers noted (the figure in brackets relates to birds heard singing):
- 8 (1) Chiffchaffs
''nominal' warbler:
- 2 (0) Goldcrests

Counts from the lake area:
- 15 Canada Geese: arrived in four groups
- 2 Mute Swans
- 1 (1♂) (Eurasian) Wigeon
- 27 (?♂) Mallard
- 1 Moorhen
- 107 Coots
- 6 Great Crested Grebes
- 1 Common Sandpiper
- 1 Black-headed Gull
- 13 Herring Gulls
- 104 Lesser Black-backed Gulls
- 2, perhaps 3, Grey Herons

Noted on the street lamps poles pre-dawn:


Spiders, harvestmen etc.
- 1 Bridge Orb-web Spider Larinioides sclopetarius
- 1 harvestman Dicranopalpus ramosus/caudatus

Sailing Club HQ
Around the outside of the sailing club HQ pre-dawn:

- 1 plumed midge

- 15 spiders: including but not exhaustively
- *Bridge Orb-web Spiders Larinioides sclopetarius
Missing Sector Orb-web Spider Zygiella x-notata [Silver-sided Sector Spider]

Noted later:
Not much in cloudy conditions.

Bees, wasps etc.:
- Honey Bee Apis mellifera
- Common Carder Bee Bombus pascuorum

The first name is that used by Stephen Falk. The name in square brackets is that given by Obsidentify or other sources if different. Scientific names are normally common. The species are presented in alphabetic order of those scientific names.
- Marmalade Hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus

- unidentified dragonfly

Other flies:
- only unidentified flies

- White-lipped Snail Cepaea hortensis

- pipistrelle-type bats

The orange tones on this duck immediately identify it as a drake (Eurasian) Wigeon. Always an attractive duck to see, this one more so as it is my first here this year.

The only hoverfly of the morning was this Marmalade Hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus

One of the many Missing Sector Orb-web Spiders Zygiella x-notata on the wall of the sailing club HQ pre-dawn. Later all the spiders will have crawled away to hide. I doubt many of the sailing club members know who is sharing their HQ.

(Ed Wilson)


In the Priorslee Avenue tunnel:

- 1 Small Dusty Wave Idaea seriata

- 3 craneflies Tipula lateralis

Centipedes & Millipedes:
- 2 White-legged Snake Millipedes Tachypodoiulus niger

- 3 Missing Sector Orb-web Spider Zygiella x-notata [Silver-sided Sector Spider]

This moth is a Small Dusty Wave Idaea seriata.

Recognise this cranefly as Tipula lateralis by the combination of pale line down the abdomen and the pattern of light and dark veins in the wing.

(Ed Wilson)


The Flash: 06:55 – 07:50

(192nd visit of the year)

Bird notes:

Bird(s) noted flying over here:
- 1 Jackdaw

Hirundines etc. noted:

Warblers noted (the figure in brackets relates to birds heard singing):
- 5 (2) Chiffchaffs
- 1 (1) Blackcap
'nominal' warbler:
- 1 (0) Goldcrest

Noted on / around the water:
- 3 Canada Geese
- 1 Greylag Goose
- 4 + 3 (1 brood) Mute Swan
- 35 (?♂) Mallard
- 69 (?♂) Tufted Duck
- 4 + 7 (4 broods) Moorhens
- 81 + 7 (3 dependent brood) Coots
- 4 Great Crested Grebes
- 25 Black-headed Gulls
- 2 Cormorants
- 1 Grey Heron

Noted elsewhere around The Flash:

- none

- 1 Alder Leaf Beetle Agelastica alni: adult

- 1 Common Rough Woodlouse Porcellio scaber

Spiders, harvestmen etc.
- 1 harvestman Dicranopalpus ramosus/caudatus

A Feral Pigeon of the checkered form. Feral Pigeons here are usually seen flying around in a gang (what is the correct collective noun for Feral Pigeons?). I cannot remember when I last saw one wandering around on the ground and when seen they are usually lost Racing Pigeons. This is not one such as it has no leg rings. It is clearly used to being around people as it took very little notice of me.

This Common Rough Woodlouse Porcellio scaber was clambering down one of the street lamp poles.

(Ed Wilson)


Sightings from previous years

Nedge Hill
1 Hobby
1 Wheatear
(John Isherwood)

Priorslee Lake
Tawny Owl
5 Swifts
(Ed Wilson)

Priorslee Lake
Common Tern
2 Swifts
(Ed Wilson)